Ep. 84 - 0F Sucks & Riley is Riled
Welcome back lovelies! Strap in because we have some rants this episode! Firstly we break down the bullsh!t that is On|y f@ns - what’s happening, what it will look like, why it’s happening and what we can do. Shoutout to @bloggeronpole and @gemmarosepole for their extremely informative posts - make sure to go check them out. We also dive into our thoughts on the newest BC c0vid requirements - be aware, Riley gets reeeal intense. Moving forward we will now be referring to her as “Riled Up Riley”. Our take away: just do your research and educate yourself on whatever side you’re on. This episode we also discuss our thoughts on when patrons in the club say to us “I bet you deal with a lot of sh!tty people / creeps in this job”. We also share some listener-submitted “Am I The A$$hole” (AITA) situations: My customer is in love with me and it hurts him that I don’t love him, AITA for not wanting to lose him? I’m a str!pper but don’t want my bf going to a str!pclub, AITA? I’m a str!pper but don’t want to have s3x with my partner very often, AITA? AITA for throwing a drink on a guy that was touching himself in the club?
As always, thank you for listening! Have a wonderful week and happy wh0re-ing! 💋